Should animals be kept in zoos?

Monday 6th May  Should Animals be kept in the zoo? 


No they should not be kept in the zoos  oh hi there do you want  to listen to my opinion

Let’s get into it. I believe that Animals should not be kept in zoos and here are my reasons. First, animals should be free from cages and stay in the wild.


Did you know that every year 50 animals have died in zoos? According to freedom for animals, the second is that animals like cheetahs,tigers,and lions need to run a lot but in the zoos there is not that much space. They need to have a big area to run around and be free and wild. But if they can’t run in zoos that much, this can be bad for animals’ health.


Last, I believe that animals should not be kept in the zoo because of the Miserable place it could be for animals. According to Freedom for animals in 2010 there was a wallaby that was dead and left to rot by staff at tweddle farm zoo for 2 weeks.The zoo refused to carry out a post to find   out why the animal died and that’s why animals should not be kept in the zoo.

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